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Support the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California


The Study Center is a learning community of a very diverse group of individuals that have come together to contribute to the studying and teaching of the work of C.G. Jung. Many people who support these efforts generously donate their time and resources to further the mission of the Study Center, which is:

The C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California is dedicated to the psychological vision of Jung. Our community consists of Jungian Analysts, psychotherapists in training to become analysts, and others who have encountered the unconscious at depth.

Our approach is "traditional." This means we are inspired by the life and work of C. G. Jung as found in the Collected Works and his other writings. We are also inspired by those closest to Jung's understanding of the value of consciousness and the reality of the archetypal psyche. We read with pleasure Marie-Louise von Franz, Edward F. Edinger, Barbara Hannah, Erich Neumann, and Esther Harding. And we listen to the wisdom of the psyche as it speaks through the world's religions, philosophies, its scientific discoveries, and the arts.

The primary aim of the Study Center is to train students to become Jungian Analysts. We offer educational programs for mental health professionals and the general public. And we encourage individual research and publication on all aspects of basic Jungian theory and practice. We do these things, as Jung observed, to "dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress."

The Study Center is a non-profit organization registered in California as a federally registered tax exempt 501 (c) (3). Your contributions are greatly appreciated. You are welcome to support a particular program with your donations such as scholarships for Analytic Training Programs and supporting individual students to cover these costs; scholar awards for research and study in the field of Jungian Psychoanalytic Psychology; Teaching and Training in our Programs, and Leadership Awards.